Art in Action is an internationally renowned annual Arts festival held each year in Waterperry Gardens, Oxfordshire. Every year, 400 artists show their work and demonstrate their skills to 25,000 visitors over just a few days.
It was noted that Art in Action’s previous website housed thousands of pages under a somewhat complicated navigation system which meant users needed to click through several pages to get where they wanted to be on the website. Webb London’s solution was a sticky ‘mega menu’ which slides down to house all main content areas, allowing users to get anywhere in just one click, from any area of any page.

Every year, the event facilitates hundreds of free demonstrations and exhibitions, and hundreds of practical classes – each ticketed. In addition to online admission tickets, Art in Action required an easy interface for administering and selling tickets for the large number of Practical Classes. The platform must be reliable and robust to handle the high volume of web visitors over a short time.
Webb London’s WordPress-Eventbrite integration delivered on these fronts, with the website receiving over 100,000 pageviews over four days and handling hundreds of transactions at once.